
2000 Years of Olympics | Fact Glow

2000 Years of Olympics

Hello everyone. I hope you guys are well in this very informative article we discuss the 2000 Years of Olympics. so get into the topic

The Great Olympic Opening. This year 3 billion people from all over the world watched the Olympics, in which 207 countries of the world took part. This was the biggest Olympics in history, but even among all these countries, one country was missing, the world’s largest.  Country Russia because even before the Olympics, Russia was told that due to its oppression of Ukraine, it would not be allowed to participate in the Olympics but at the same time.

This year Israel made its history with one gold medal and seven silver medals.  The biggest success achieved is this: Israel’s first goal. So, is only Russia cruel and Israel not cruel? The Olympics are not just a game, but Olympics have always been connected with the politics of the world and the story of the Olympics starts from today.

2800 years ago, at that time, Greece was the biggest religion along with God’s Zeus. 2800 years ago, there were only a few big religions in the world – the religion of the Pharaohs in Egypt, Hinduism in India and Judaism in Palestine, but the religion of Greece was the most powerful religion in Europe and  The biggest god of this religion was Juice, so the king of Greece of that time built a huge temple for the worship of Zeus in his capital Olympia and built a stadium along with the same temple, which was called Stadin in the Greek language of that time.  Which later

became stadium in Latin and English language, meaning the word stadium came into the world because of the Olympics and till date this temple and the Rubens of this stadium are present in Olympia City, Greece. After the construction of the stadium, the world’s first Olympic Games. Started but the king had started the Olympics not just for games but for the worship of Juice, that is why first of all people went to the temple and worshiped Juice, after which 11 of them fought and lit a huge fire in front of the Temple of Zeus.

A fire was lit so big that it kept burning till all the games of the Olympics were over. This story is important because even today, in the same exact manner, before every Olympics, 11 girls light a fire in front of the same temple in the city of Olympia in Greece and then light the same fire again.

A torch is lit and without extinguishing this torch, it is taken from Olympia City in Greece to the city where the opening ceremony of the Olympics is taking place. This is also a huge event in which thousands of people run away from this city of Greece.  They run and carry this torch to that city and as soon as this torch reaches that city, the Olympics start from there, meaning when the Olympics started, it was more of a religious activity than a sports and initially there were only a few games in it like running.  Wrestling and Javelin Throw etc. and

then gradually these games increased and people started coming from far and wide to watch them and then a very famous game called Boxing was added to it, just like today’s Boxing in which fighters used to fight wearing gloves even in those times. This can be seen in the ancient paintings made in Greece.

There came a time in Greece when the Olympics had become so famous that every child wanted to become an Olympian when they grew up, which was a big advantage for Greece that these Olympics  Due to the tough competition, the warriors of Greece became the most powerful warriors in the world, among which the most dangerous warriors were the Spartans.



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This means that due to the Olympic Games, the concept of physical fitness increased a lot in Greece and if seen even today, at that time Greece In all the sculptures that were made in AD, very fit bodies are always shown. Even after 500 years of the Olympics, the warriors of Greece were the strongest but they kept fighting among themselves all the time, due to which the outside world had no idea of ​​their strength.

Had no special idea but then 500 years after the Olympics, King Philip united the whole of Greece and ended all their wars among themselves and then the name of this King Philip’s son was Alexander the Great who killed these warriors of Greece.  Created a huge army and eventually his empire reached from Greece to the borders of Pakistan and India, but after building such a huge empire, Alexander the Great  died at the age of just 32 and with the death of Alexander the Great, his  The generals of such a big empire started fighting among themselves and

finally Alexander’s empire got divided into four parts, one part of them had control over Pakistan and then for the next 100 years, these Greek people ruled the North and West of Pakistan. And it was here that they started living together with the local people. Even today, there is a tribe in the North of Pakistan, Kailash, who claims that they are the descendants of Alexander the Great’s army.

The people of the North of Pakistan are very different from other Pakistanis and Indians. Meaning, they have blue eyes and blood hair exactly like the Europeans. According to science, blue eyes were first found in Europe in the world and it is said that Alexander the Great’s army brought this gene to the North of Pakistan, but till now it has not been found in India.

All the things were not scientifically proven, so we don’t know now. The  huge empire that Alexander the Great had built in just 10 years got divided into four parts within a few years and due to this, the strength of this Greek Empire slowly started weakening.  When the Greek Empire of Europe was deteriorating, along with Greece, another city, Rome, was progressing very fast, which gradually grew to become the Roman Empire and this empire spread so fast that it even conquered the Greece of Alexander the Great.

But this did not mean that the Greek Empire would end because there was not much difference between Greece and Rome, it was like the difference between the United Kingdom and America because both these countries were followers of the same religion but in their religion  There was just a little difference that in Greece people used to worship juice and in Roman Empire people used to worship juice but here the name of juice was not juice but Jupiter and the name of the largest planet of our solar system Jupiter is also in this Roman Empire.

So instead of destroying the Greek culture, the Roman Empire took it further and took the Olympic Games from Greece and brought them to its capital Rome. Initially, the Olympics continued to be held in the same way in the Roman Empire for many years, meaning.  First worship, then fire and then finally games and it is said that even 40,000 people came to watch one of these Olympic Games.

40,000 people at that time when the population of the world was only a few crore people. After this, the Roman Empire spread everywhere and Became the most powerful empire in the world, but gradually the Romans started getting bored with the simple style of the Olympics, so they got inspired by these Olympic games and started creating new very dangerous games like Gladiators, for which huge stadiums were built in the capital of the Roman Empire.

Where gladiators used to fight among themselves in front of thousands of people and only the one who survived was the winner. Similarly, the people of the Roman Empire continued to live in debauchery and today, exactly 2000 years ago, when the Roman Empire was at its peak, Palestine was a province of this Roman Empire.

A man from Bani Israel  claimed to be the Messenger of Allah, Isa Alaihi Salaam, who was first rejected by his own people, the Jews, and then conspired and tried to kill Isa Al Salaam at the hands of the Roman Empire. But Allah saved them, after Isa al-Salam, the world continued like this and people completely forgot this sentence, but Isa al-Salam had very few followers but he kept trying to spread Christianity in the Roman Empire and this  It was not Christianity as it is today, it was a very pure form of Christianity.

After the death of Isa al-Salam, the game of gladiators became so famous in the Roman Empire that one of their emperors built the world’s largest stadium, The Colosseum,  where at that time  2000 years ago, 60,000 people used to watch these games. Now from here, the biggest shift in history started and Christianity, which is today the largest religion in the world is followed by 2.

3 billion people, started getting stronger for the first time because it was the Roman Empire.  The one who had tried to kill Isa al-Salam himself was now going to become a Christian. There is a very interesting story about the Roman Empire’s move towards Christianity, but this is the story that Christians believe, may be true, maybe now called  It is said that 100 years after Isa al-Salam, Christianity slowly started spreading in the Roman Empire and to stop them, the Roman Empire used to persecute its scholars very severely

and one of them, Ignatius, a great Christian priest, was even called by the emperor himself to Rome to the Colosseum. And then in front of thousands of people, this Christian scholar Ignatius was put in front of a hungry lion. To see this, the whole crowd started shouting slogans in excitement but instead of running away from the lion, Ignatius stood right in front of the lion and the lion attacked him.

He came closer and instead of eating him, sat in front of him. Seeing this, the Roman Emperor Tran and the crowd of thousands of people, who were shouting a lot till now, became completely silent because no one had seen such a scene before. After all, the lion sat for some time.  After sitting down, they attacked Ignatius and ate him, but this incident spread very quickly throughout the Roman Empire and people were impressed by his sacrifice and started coming towards Christianity.

In this way, the Roman Empire gradually left its religion and started coming towards Christianity. And 200 years after this incident of Ignatius, a Roman emperor Constantine accepted Christianity and thus the entire Roman Empire became Christian. After becoming Christian, the emperors of the Roman Empire  ended all the ancient customs of idolatry and idolatry, including  There were also Olympic Games because as we know, Olympics were not just for games but for the worship of Jesus.

This enmity between Christianity and the Olympics is very old. This year, this video was played in the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympic Games.  Christianity and Christianity were mocked very harshly because this video was made by distorting the most famous painting of Christianity, so if seen, the Olympics took its revenge on Christianity in a way, after the Olympic Games ended with the Roman Empire.

But gradually, after many years, the Roman Empire was also destroyed to a great extent because a large part of the Roman Empire was conquered by the Caliphate Rashida, after which the Muslims remained the superpower of the world for the next 600 years and then this period of the Muslims came to an end.

The power was also destroyed by Genghis Khan and his descendants after 600 years. The Mongol Empire ended the Arab Caliphate, but after this a new Caliphate started, the Osmania Caliphate, which, along with conquering the rest of the large area, also for the first time conquered the Muslims. Greece was also conquered by the Ottoman Empire, but like every empire in the world, the Ottoman Empire also slowly started weakening and 200 years ago, its very important province Greece rebelled and gained independence from the Ottoman Empire and became an independent country.

Now, when Greece was celebrating its independence after many years, a Greek journalist wrote an article in the newspaper that now that we have become independent, we should bring back our old Greek cultural traditions like the Olympic Games for the first time Finally, the 1896-year-old Games Olympics started again.


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In the first few years, there were only a few games in it, but gradually with the support of America and Europe, the Olympics very quickly became the biggest event in the world in which countries from all over the world started participating and so much.  After becoming famous, the Olympics were not just games but also became a medium for some powerful countries to show their strength because, in the last 100 years, the country which won the most gold medals in the Olympics is the same country that was going to become the superpower of the world at that time.

In the last 100 years, America, being a superpower, has always won the most gold medals, but in the last 100 years, whoever has tried to challenge America’s power has failed in the economic, military, and all other fields.  At the same time, they also tried to defeat him in the Olympics. For example, before World War II, when there was Hitler’s Nazi government in Germany, Germany had won the maximum number of gold medals in that year because at that time Germany had become the biggest superpower of Europe.

After the war, Germany’s power ended, but after this war, a new superpower came to the world, the Soviet Union, which came again and started challenging the power of America. Now when the Soviet Union was also moving towards becoming a superpower. He won the most gold medals in six out of the next nine Olympics, but almost 30 years ago, due to the attack on Afghanistan and some economic issues, the Soviet Union also ended, after which America remained the world’s only superpower and again the Olympics.

America started winning the maximum number of medals but suddenly China started coming forward very fast in the world and once again within a few years China started challenging the power of the USA and from then till today the whole world has in confusion about China  And who will emerge as a superpower in USA and the same battle between these two is also going on in the Olympics in which this year in the Olympics of 2024, both the countries have achieved exactly equal 40 gold medals and in the world also there is

such a situation that when China and  The power of the US are almost equal, which means that for the last 100 years, the Olympics is not just a game but a way to show its power and influence in the whole world.

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