
Man Who Hacked America | Fact Glow

Man Who Hacked America

Man Who Hacked America

One man brought a superpower like America to its knees in one day۔ He stole more than 10 lakh top secret documents of America in 2013 and exposed them to the world and since then, he has been America’s most wanted criminal for the last 11 years. But despite causing so much damage to the American government, today he is seen as a hero in the world, but why did he steal the documents of the world’s top secret agency, why did he leak them۔

Man Who Hacked America

The morning sun of June 6, 2013 would have brought a big trouble for the American Government. A series of news is published on The Guardian and The Washington Post in which NSA That is, the raw copy of the top secret document of the National Security Agency was present.

Man Who Hacked America

This document surprised not only the Americans but also the mobile users of the whole world when they came to know that the American Government is secretly keeping an eye on every mobile user. In the document, NSA’s secret program Prism was exposed, a secret program which is ordered by the US government through which they can access the data of crores of Verizon customers.

Verizon is a mobile operator in America like India, Pakistan, the security agency has Hacked  Hong Kong and  the computers of China’s military, tapped the phone of Angela Merkel, who was the Chancellor of Germany at that time, British Government Communication Head Quarters GCHQ was running a program to keep an eye on its citizens and the leaked document revealed the conversation between NSA and GCHQ.

Man Who Hacked America

In which both sides were looking for ways how to deceive the people and keep the propaganda dry. In the beginning no one knew who leaked these documents and whether they were really true or not because news agencies are the source of their news.  There is no restriction on disclosure, but just after three days, a person comes forward who takes the responsibility of leaking these top secret documents.

Man Who Hacked America

29 year old Edward Snowden, who was a high school dropout, started his career with the US Military. But after a year, after being discharged from there, he joined the security guard of Maryland University in 2005. Edward was not good in studies, but his computer skills were so strong that the CIA hired him. After spending a few years with the CIA, In 2009, American tech giant Dell hired him.

Man Who Hacked America

Dell also had a contract to upgrade the computer systems of the National Security Agency at that time, then they also put Edward on the same project, where first his role was that of a supervisor, later he became a cyber-engineer. Even Edward Snowden became a strategist, he was like a diamond for the CIA and NSA, then what happened next that he started being called a traitor by these agencies.

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Actually, there was an incident behind Edward Snowden becoming a traitor from a cyber-strategist to the NSA. While operating and upgrading the computers of Edward, he came to know that the National Security Agency has the power to access the personal data of any mobile user. He also saw some records which at first he thought might be the records of international criminals but in reality at the same time, a debate was going on in the US Congress on the issue of intelligence.

Man Who Hacked America

Ron Wyden, who is an American politician,  asked a question to James Clapper, Director of the National Security Agency, in the Congress that Does your agency collect data of Americans or not? This session of Congress was also broadcast on national television. James Clapper said in front of millions of people that No, our work is only foreign intelligence.

Man Who Hacked America

Edward Snowden clearly seen lied his director on television at that time. He was shocked to see, he got so angry that after three days he left the job of Dell from where he was earning 2 lakh dollars annually. In 2013, he left Dell and joined Booz Allen Hamilton who was the head of US Military, CIA and NSA.

Man Who Hacked America

Here also he was put on a project of NSA. The National Security Agency says that Edward has stolen so many files from our system that it is difficult to even estimate them because their number is more than 20 lakhs.  It may be more, but what did Edward do that he copied the files of the top secret agency, that too without anyone getting a clue? The surprising thing is that he did not use any complicated hacking tools for this work, but all this work  This was done with a small USB drive, but how because in normal offices, USB drives are specifically banned due to the fear of data being stolen.

Man Who Hacked America

Secondly, in any company’s system where there is confidential data, every employee have no access to it.  There was no authority to access the data, yet these were the computers of the National Security Agency, whose security could not be breached. Before doing this, Edward Snowden planned his escape and took advantage of his location because he was on the side of Booz Allen Hamilton.

Man Who Hacked America

He was hired for an NSA project in Hawaii, which is why he was kept in Hawaii, 5000 miles away from the Maryland headquarters of the NSA. Hawaii is 6 hours behind Maryland, which means that by the time Edward worked in his Hawaii office, the NSA Everyone used to go to the headquarters of the NSA. The second advantage was that he had access to the servers of the NSA headquarters through a thin client system which was actually outdated.

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The third advantage was that Edward himself was the system administrator there, which means high security of his profile.  He had clearance due to which he had more rights, that is, he could copy data from any system without being noticed. Edward took advantage of this and without being noticed, he copied more than 20 lakh files from 5000 miles away in Hawaii.

After working in the office for only four weeks, Edward decided to expose the misdeeds of NSA to the world. He copied all the documents into a USB drive. Cleverly, he hid the drive from the security guard and took leave on the pretext of illness.  Switched off his number and went straight from Hawaii to Hong Kong but when he did not return for the next several days nor was his number reachable, the NSA became suspicious and started searching for him.

Man Who Hacked America

After reaching Hong Kong, he met some trusted journalists. Documents were given and then the same documents became the headlines of the world the next day. Edward Snowden’s leaked documents sparked a new debate across the world on the secret powers of NSA. On this, theft of government property without entering the systems of national security and top  He was accused of passing on secret information to unauthorized people and also the American government requested Hong Kong to hand over Edward to us, but he too had planned his every step in advance.

Man Who Hacked America

Till then he took a ship and went to Russia. In September 2022 he got citizenship by Putin. He mentioned a tool called “Nosey Smurf” which gives access to the microphone of our phone to the security agencies so that they can spy on us.

Man Who Hacked America

Voices can be heard without any interruption. Some people consider Edward a traitor while some believe that he is a hero who exposed the real face of NSA to the world. What is your opinion about this? Let me know in the comment section. Hope You people will also like and share this article of Fact Glow.


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