
UK is Dying? | What Happened to UK? | Fact Glow

UK is Dying? | What Happened to UK?


This red highlighted island you are seeing is called The Great Britain United Kingdom or UK. Today this country is spread over only 94000 square miles. Just 100 years ago, it used to rule one fourth of the world from North America to Africa, Middle East, South Asia East, Asia and Australia.

UK is Dying

In human history, hardly any empire has reached such a peak that the sun rises on it and the sunset also happens on it, but the world’s most powerful buyer is going through the worst economic crisis of the city. According to the statistics of 2024, UK’s debt has become 99.5% of its GDP, however, if you look at its neighboring countries, Ireland’s debt is 43% of GDP while Germany’s debt is 64% of its GDP.

Gang violence and homelessness are the highest in the last 30 years. In the last 10 years, homelessness in the UK has increased to 50%. High salaries and wages, due to which people from all over the world were drawn to London, have been at the level of 2008 for the last 16 years, while the inflation rate today is the highest in the last 40 years.

Thousands Skilled workers are leaving the UK in search of better salaries 10 million people in the world’s sixth largest economy are living in absolute poverty 2 million people in the UK go without food for at least one day in a month and if you remove London from The UK, the country is as poor as Mississippi, which is the purest state of America.

The NHS, which was an example for the whole world as to how health care should be, is in such a situation today that despite having critical conditions, 80 lakh people are on the waiting list in hospitals. And not only health care but all government departments are in crisis, be it law and order or transport. UK has today become the world’s worst performing developed nation.

A few days ago, Britain was literally burning, people were setting vehicles on fire.  They were pelting stones at the houses. Today the situation is such that even Elon Musk is tweeting that civil war is certain in the UK. What happened to the most powerful country in human history? What mistakes has Britain, which rules the entire world, made?  That today he is a victim of such a severe crisis, Let’s find out in this article in 2016 when the UK decided that it will leave the European Union. On June 23, 2016.


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A special referendum was held in which 50 The British people voted that they no longer want to stay in the European Union and this was the point from where the crisis in the British economy started. This process of UK leaving the European Union is called Brexit. Now here you will see a very important part of history.

There is a need to understand and that is how and why the European Union was formed. When the World War ended, the European countries realized that if they continued fighting among themselves like this, then all their resources and money would be spent on building armies and defending their borders. If we look at the map of Europe, two things appear very obvious, one is that all these countries are small and second, they are connected to each other.

European leaders thought that if we behave like this as separate countries,  If we keep doing this, our fight among ourselves will never end and we will never be able to progress, that is why in 1952, six countries Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands together formed the European Coal and Steel Community so that they could massively boost the economy of their countries.

These countries got a lot of benefit from forming a community. For example, after World War 2, France needed coal and steel to rebuild its infrastructure and both these things were provided by Germany at very cheap rates. In this way, France suffered very little.  Raw material was available at affordable prices and Germany easily found a buyer for its natural resources which was very close to it and hence the transportation cost was negligible.

Similarly, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg had big populations like Germany and France.  When the countries got access to the market, all in all these six countries were trading among themselves without taxes and wars and their economy started growing rapidly. Seeing this success, other European countries also started joining this community and by 1993  12 countries had joined this community and the European Union had become the most powerful organization in the world.

The world’s biggest superpowers were part of the European Union and here comes a very important point. The biggest advantage of being in the European Union was that  People living in Europe could freely go to any European country, work there, do business, build houses there, similarly commercial goods could go to all the countries without any tax or fee.

For example, sitting in Greece.  A businessman selling furniture could easily sell his furniture in the UK and he did not have to pay any additional tax or fee. Similarly, being a member of the European Union, every country had an additional advantage that when they were from outside Europe,       When we used to negotiate trade deals with countries, then this negotiation was not done individually but by the entire European Union on the behavior of that country and obviously due to having the back of such a powerful organization, the negotiation power of every country was very high, so when the European Union  There were so many benefits of being a member, then there are

three reasons why the UK left the European Union. The first reason is that the UK felt that the European Union had more benefits from being in the European Union. For example, between 2012 and 2016.  Europe  caught 7.5 lakh tonnes of fish from British waters, while Britain caught only 90 thousand tonnes of fish from EU waters.

Similarly, in 2013, UK’s contribution to the EU budget was 17 billion, while it got only 6.3 billion in its return. Then the British felt that all the other European countries were taking advantage of them. The second area was immigration. Now countries like Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary had also joined the European Union and because Eastern Europe was much poorer than Western Europe.

Due to this migration, the foreign population of UK which was 5.3 million in 2004 will increase by 9.5 million in 2021. Similarly, in 2010, civil war started in the Arab World and Europe opened its borders for Arab immigrants and most of the immigrants started moving to Britain. Here too, Britain felt that this decision of the EU  Due to this increasing immigration,  everything from UK public infrastructure to jobs, opportunities, wages started getting affected and a belief lapse started developing among the people that the root of all evils are the policies of the European Union

and in such a situation  At the same time, the feeling of sovereignty started growing among the British people. They started feeling that Britain can take better decisions without the European Union and it does  not need to bear the burden of their decisions. This was the third reason, after which a referendum took place in 2016 and Britain left the European Union.


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Separated, but completely against expectations, Brexit started having a very bad impact on the UK.  According to a report by the Bank of England, after Brexit, investment in England fell by 25% between 2016 and 2021 and then with the arrival of Covid and Russia.  With the start of Ukraine War, this crisis became worse.

On one hand, investment was less and on the other hand, Britain was heavily funding Ukraine against Russia and on the third hand, due to energy sanctions, it cannot even buy oil and gas from Russia. And then after Brexit, UK’s trade was a complete hit because before Brexit, the European Union was the UK’s biggest trading partner.

48% of the UK’s imports were from the European Union, but at that time there was no custom duty or tax on these imports. But after Brexit, British goods could not come to Europe freely. To correct this mistake, in 2020, Britain signed a Free Trade Agreement with the European Union, according to which Britain could now trade with Europe without any tax or custom duty.

But it happened, it was too late. Britain’s biggest disadvantage is that it is a service based economy and such an economy  proves to be very vulnerable in financial shocks and economic crises, such as the 2008 financial crisis that hit Europe and the Western World very hard.  It was hit but the same China, because it is a manufacturing based economy, did not suffer the same intensity in this financial crisis as America or Europe did.

This is the reason why in 2008, there were huge lay-offs in the financial and IT industries. Companies like Nestle and PNG did not make any difference because these companies make essential things like water, soap, razor etc. which people cannot give up so easily. Similarly, the manufacturing sector  also creates more jobs compared to the service sector.

Another big issue of Brexit.  The disadvantage is that there is a huge labor shortage in the UK today. According to the statistics of 2024, there is no  money to spend on 30,000 nurse labs health care facilities in the UK. And to make matters worse, no one in Europe is concerned with this situation in the UK because UK  It had separated from the European Union on its own will, there are no jobs, inflation is increasing continuously and as a result, anger is increasing among the British nationals and sometimes they are venting this anger on immigrants and sometimes

on people of other nationalities. Such a situation has never happened before. If you have seen it in UK, UK is in a deep mess. Wrong decisions and selfish thinking have brought Britain to this position. Given the current situation, it is possible that very soon we will see The Great British Empire collapse in front of our eyes.

See you in the next great article with another interesting topic. Take care

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