
How Earth was Born From Thin Air?| Fact Glow

How Earth was Born From Thin Air?


Hello everyone. I hope you guys are well in this very informative article we discuss How Earth was Born From Thin Air. so get into the topic

In January 2005, a unique probe was launched into space by NASA. Its mission was to find out where water came from on Earth. This probe, named Deep Impact,  reaches close to a comet after traveling 270 million kilometers and thus  There were many such secrets hidden in the comet which were being searched for the last several centuries.

is the only place in the entire universe where human beings can survive. It seems as if the Earth has been destroyed.  It has been made only for humans, all those things are present here which are considered very important for life, water, food and oxygen are so abundant and there may or may not be any other such planet in the giant universe, but at present we only know about Earth where  But humans can survive without any help, but Earth did not exist five billion years ago.

The place where Earth and our solar system exist today is the edge of the Milky Way Galaxy. When our planet did not exist, it was in its place.  There used to be a very big cloud here, a cloud which was filled only with soil and gases. After all, what happened in this cloud that it turned into a planet? The same planet where we live today, this cloud of soil and gases is called molecular cloud.

It is said that this cloud contained dust particles which also included sand, silicon and particles of various metals. This cloud was born due to various dead stars. In the early times of the universe, the stars which burnt all their fuel exploded and continued to explode. Due to this, their particles spread in the surrounding universe. It is not like a cloud visible in the sky, rather it looks like something which  was captured with the help of Hubble Space Telescope.

Surprisingly, this cloud was as big as 100 light years, that is, it If a light starts traveling from one corner, it will take 100 years to reach the other corner of the molecular cloud. If understood in simple words,  this cloud of soil was 60 lakh times bigger than the distance between the Sun and the Earth.  There is a cloud from which new stars and planets are formed and the force that creates stars and planets from this cloud is gravity.

Yes, the same gravity which is not present in space but it is generated by two objects in space, their respective Due to gravity, they get attached to each other or attract each other. The greater the mass of the object, its gravity will also be higher. Due to this gravity, the particles of the molecular cloud got attached to each other.

The larger particles started getting attached to the smaller particles. These particles started attracting each other very fast and due to this, energy was generated which heated the core of the round rotating cloud at its center. This process continued like this for the next millions of years and the molecular cloud  The core became bigger, started rotating faster and also became hotter and after a time this huge ball became our sun.

The remaining molecular cloud now started rotating around this sun. The  solar system was formed from the particles and gases present in it.  Planets of life and moons revolving around those planets will be formed but how. This was a mystery but now it is not.


For the first time, a hypothesis about the formation of a star i.e. the Sun from a molecular cloud was put forward by the  German philosopher Emile Kant and the French scholar Pierre Simon in 1700. But at that time it was just an idea, after that between 1920 and 1950, when telescopes started becoming quite advanced, it was   not possible astronomically with the help of a scope, then between 1970 and 1980, the invention of radio and infrared telescopes solved this issue.

Now it has become possible to see inside these clouds of dust and gases.  Astronomically, with the help of scopes, new stars were seen forming inside the molecular clouds. This proved that new stars are born inside the molecular clouds only and Planets are later formed from the remaining particles of the cloud, but how does this process start? Earlier, many ideas were floated about it, but then in March 2003, an experiment was conducted in the International Space Station which answered this age-old question Astronaut.

Don Petted wanted to experiment with various things present in the ISS to see how these things behave in space. He created water bubbles, desoldered them and put salt in a plastic bag and spun it. The purpose of these experiments was But his last experiment answered the age-old question. When salt was put in a plastic bag, after some time the salt particles stuck to each other because these particles attract each other in space.

Scientists believe that That inside the molecular cloud, small and big particles, which were all rotating in the same direction around the Sun,  joined together like salt and it was from here that the formation of the planet began, about 45 billion years ago. Similarly, in the molecular cloud also  The particles started coming together to form a swarm, just like the grains of salt were meeting each other in Don Peddit’s experiment.

When the size of this swarm increased to 1 kilometer i.e. as big as the size of a mountain, then its own gravity became so high that  It also started attracting the surrounding particles towards itself, just like a vacuum cleaner sucks the soil into itself. This process continued like this for the next 30 lakh years and 20 planets emerged from the cluster of particles.

All of which were revolving around the sun, now because these 20 planets had become very big, due to this their own gravity started attracting each other during their orbit  and eventually they started colliding with each other.  In the year 1852, two planets joined together to form one big planet. Over time, due to these collisions, earlier there were 20 planets in the solar system, now only a few planets remained, which also includes Venus, Mercury, Mars and our Earth, but this  At that time the Earth was not so blue and full of life,

rather it was very hot like a fire because of the collision. Even if the Astronomical Organist arrived, it would evaporate in less than a second and the  chances of life on the Earth would emerge only then.  You will find it when its temperature drops, but till it cools down, it has to face the biggest threat to its existence, the solar storm.


Read more>> NASA Search for Aliens


Yes, the waves emanating from the sun, whenever they enter a planet, they cause a lot of damage to its atmosphere.  The same solar storms also reach other planets and because of this, it is not possible for life to flourish here. There is no need to go too far. On Mars, which is Earth’s neighboring planet, solar storms have destroyed the chances of life, but these  The secret of how the Earth coped with solar storms is hidden in the core of the Earth.

When the Earth started forming in the molecular cloud, its temperature increased significantly. This temperature made the Earth a fire ball. The stones melted and the iron and nickel present in them also.  Now because the weight of iron and nickel is very high, they started falling into the core of the earth. Geophysicists believe that whenever molten iron is rotated in a circle, it creates a magnetic field around itself.

Now because in the core of the earth  Only when the quantity of molten iron is high, it generates a magnetic field and the extent to which the effect of this magnetic field remains in space is called the magnetosphere. Normally, this magnetic field extends up to 370,000 km on the side of the Earth that is facing the Sun.

That is, approximately as far away as the Moon is and on the side that is not facing the Sun, the Earth’s magnetic field extends for millions of kilometers, which is why the magnetic field at the North and South Pole stops the radiation emanating from the Sun.  If the field is low, then here this radiation enters the atmosphere and combines with the particles to create the Aurora effect, which we also call Northern and Southern Lights, but this radiation is so low that it does not cause any harm. A new meaning which has given rise to solarstorms.

We coped but it was still not perfect for life. Earth had to go through another difficult phase, a planet collision. How did we humans come to know about it? For this we will have to go back to 1960. America planned many Apollo missions and  Astronauts were sent to the Moon for research. Earlier it was believed that the Moon was a piece of the Earth which got separated from the Earth due to some reason, but when the Astronauts went to the Moon and brought back some samples of stones, these stones appeared to be on the Earth.

They did not look like the stones found there. It seems that these stones may have been burnt. Majeed investigation revealed that the oxygen isotopes present in the stones of Moon and Earth are similar, which proves that if there was a Moon, then it was Earth’s first. But it has heated up a lot.

This much warming can produce only one thing and that is the collision of another planet. When the Earth was gradually cooling down, at that time another planet started moving towards the Earth. This planet is almost the size of Mars.  It was big and has been named Theia. When Theia collided with the Earth, a lot of energy was released.

The burning pieces of Earth and Theia spread across the sky and eventually started orbiting the Earth. These pieces orbiting the Earth remained in the same place for the next thousands of years.  They got connected to each other in such a way as if the particles were connected in a molecular cloud and this is how the Moon was born.

Earlier the Moon was very close to the Earth. Experts say that earlier it was 15 times bigger than what we see now but gradually it grew to about 1.5 times. Inch by inch, it is moving away from the Earth. Let us tell you here that Theia’s movement, collision with the Earth and the birth of the Moon were the two events due to which we are present in this world today.

Scientists believe that  If these two events had not happened then perhaps life would never have come on the Earth, but after all, how when a planet the size of Mars collided with the Earth, it tilted the Earth to one side, it tilted it a little, the Earth which was earlier on its axis.  It was rotating itself, now it got tilted at an angle of 23.

5 degrees and this tilt gave different types of seasons to the Earth. As you know, one full rotation of the Earth represents one day and one complete revolution around the Sun.  One year now, because the Earth is tilted at 23.5, the months of the year when the Northern Hemisphere is closer to the Sun are the summer season and in winter this part moves away from the Sun.

Due to this tilt of the Earth,  There is neither the same heat nor the same cold on the surface throughout the year. Due to these changing seasons, we get to eat different fruits and vegetables. Different colors can be seen throughout the year and due to the cycles of rain in the desert, we have clean drinking water.

Apart from this, due to the formation of the Moon, sea waves are also formed. These waves provide nutrients for the sea creatures because if these waves were not there, the nutrients in the sea would remain only at a few spots, but here the question arises.

It happens that waves will be formed in the ocean only when there is water on the Earth, which is most important for life, then where did the water come from on the Earth, this has been the biggest mystery for the scientific community. In January 2005, NASA launched an experiment named Deep Impact.  The probe was launched into space and  sent to a comet named Temple One, 27 crore kilometers away.

A 350 kg copper impactor was placed in front of this probe, which was to collide with Temple One. On July 4, 2005, this impactor reached a speed of 38 1000 km/hr. Temple One collided with the comet and created a huge crater. This impact was captured with the help of radio telescopes mounted on the Deep Impact Probe and what this telescope showed was really surprising.

Kun was quite surprised because of the light which was emitted due to the collision.  It turned out that after analyzing it with the help of spectroscopy, it was found that there is water in the form of ice inside Temple One. Now it has been proved that water is present inside the comets present in the asteroid belt, far away from the Sun, but after all, these comets are their own.

How did they leave the orbit and reach Earth and that too in crores of rupees? Experts believe that only the largest planet in our solar system, Jupiter, can do this work. Yes, Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and obviously its gravity is also there.  It is many times more than Earth and its special thing is that it orbits very close to the asteroid belt.

Astronomically, Jupiter’s gravity converted the orbit into an elliptical orbit. Normal circular orbit is when the asteroid revolves in a perfect circle around the Sun. But when Jupiter’s gravity attracted them towards itself, they left their circular orbit and went into an oval shaped orbit which is called elliptical orbit and during this time when they came in the way of Earth, gravity pulled them towards Earth.

Lia Geologist believes that water was not on the Earth in the beginning but it came here 500 million years after the creation of the Earth, but how did we know this? Zircon is a mineral which is found in stones and for its formation water is required.  It is very important and because it also contains particles of uranium, hence its age can be determined with the help of radioactive decay.

Till now the age of all the uranium samples present on the earth has been determined, it is known that it is  Earth was formed 4 billion years ago, i.e. 500 million years after Earth was born. Earth was born from a molecular cloud. Collision with Theia as big as Mars. Earth was tilted and waves were created in the ocean due to the Moon.

Earth was destroyed due to Jupiter millions of kilometers away.  With the availability of water, the chances of life seem to be getting better. Even the temperature of the Earth had dropped to a great extent till about 100 degrees Celsius, but the most important thing for life was still not oxygen in the Earth. So now you tell me in the comment section that Earth  How did oxygen come into the atmosphere? Hopefully, you will like and share this information of Fact Glow.

Thank you very much for youe. See you in the next great informative article.

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